I hope they don't overload fantasy with allies like 40k. I really really don't like allies.
Why do you think that?
Sounds like more people here need some 40k experience ;) "Unkillable" deathstars/characters are common place. There is ALWAYS a way to deal...
Ah yes, the engine. I forgot about that. That makes sense then!
throwing 3 dice at wyssans means 50% of the time you'll fail to cast. Then you still have dispel. You should be throwing 4 dice at wyssans...
Could you give some examples? 40k is a bendy rule set by its very nature. Wound allocation lets you do some wild things.
THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT be warned, this list is quite difficult to play right and can be very frustrating for your opponents, if they are of...
Ouch, sounds like you mixed it up a bit too early. Lizards have a hard time against warriors without the full on combat avoidance list. Glad...
There is actually a post I made a while back. Let me see if i can find the link. edit: here it is...
I don't find very much truth to this. While templeguard (at least in my opinion) is almost always a useful addition, you can run an entirely anti...
Just buy more skinks. You need a whole boat load of them. After that get more temple guard. Then i'd say you're all set.
High magic is so bleh. You should try life sleb. It does everything high magic does, just better. Better "big" spell, better healing spell,...
"I accepted long ago that the magic phase is not one in which one competes. It's a phase in which one closes one's eyes and prays for divine...
So I think to start out I might just do some written reports, because honestly I don't know the first thing about creating videos. And i figured...
GL! Let us know how it goes.
I liked having 1 temple guard block and again, I really think you need more than 1 cowboy
Awesome, again thanks for the responses. One more question if you don't mind. What specifically about your experience/personality/whatever do...
Thanks for the advice guys, and thanks for posting some examples. A few i hadn't seen before, i'm excited to have some more to watch.
:D Nice to see! Congrats.