Because swapping spells to get those means casting ones you dont want. If you want those spells its way more efficient to just use WD. WD is...
There isn't a single spell that will kill on average 5/6 of a unit. Purple sun has other factors that make its increase potency when compared to...
I like that some of the game is still a little random. I like random charge distance and rolling for spells. Rolling for spells makes each...
Buying spells would make me very sad.
Something like empire knights or chickens. Or a lot of things in WoC, which lizardmen can have issues with. My vets have GW too. I think of it...
Guess it comes down to preference. I don't find myself in combat very often, and if I do it usually means i'm going to lose and no amount of...
WD gives you death snipe, searing doom, and fireball. All of those are huge for lizardmen. Death snipe is self explanatory, searing doom cause...
the old ones know you hate the slann so they punish you for mocking them!!! in all seriousness though, miscasting 3 times on 2 dice is...
good luck!
ETC is an entirely different atmosphere played in a way most people, even tournament regulars, would be entirely unfamiliar with. I don't think...
How can you not get the spells you want on priests? They are the signatures...
Yeah GW definitely went with a different aesthetic on the new model. Little less dinosaur, but overall i still love it. At first i wasn't a huge...
I have a couple of the old metal ones. I've literally never used them once :/ Feel the same way about the carnosaur. Love the model so damn...
Really enjoy your battle reports. My brother plays skaven so your channel is perfect for the two of us haha.
I was referring to the topic "kroxigor make me sad." I feel like thats bound to happen on, IMO, an overcoasted ws3 model that strikes last. They...
unfortunately that's just going to happen on an overcoasted WS 3 model that strikes last. i'm not sure what would make kroxigor better, but...
That is not the case. Skink cohorts are arguably the best single unit in the book. 110 points for 20 poison shots and a musician is disgustingly...
Yeah. I mean I suppose it all comes down to what you wanna do as a player. If you want a tarpit unit, for whatever reason, it doesn't really...
Didn't mean to seem like i was disagreeing with his post, because i was not. I understood his point.