Generally a great weapon is seen as more effective since scar vets will be attacking last against anything that matters anyways. Strength 7...
Re: Am I the only one who would love Skinks on Cold ones (ag yeah toughness only applies to monstrous cav for whatever reason.
Re: Am I the only one who would love Skinks on Cold ones (ag I think they are outrageously expensive for what they do... 250 points for 1...
Re: Am I the only one who would love Skinks on Cold ones (ag I'd much rather Saurus on something else. Some type of heavy cav unit. I really...
Hooray carnosaur!!
If no slann will you use an old blood carno? Cause that I would like to see! Love me some carnosaur
Just 2 cents on the slann Theres a reason the competitive build is either death or wandering. You dont throw big dice at anything, and you pew...
man you really do have some unfortunate magic luck.
I swear, sometimes it seems like people go out of their way to find something to complain/worry about.
Do i see jungle swarms? I love it.
To get back on topic just a bit, GW released more updated 40k FAQs, and has stated that FAQs for digital only productions like sisters of battle...
Exactly this. Although my brother plays skaven and on turn 2 or 3 of my last game i moved the slann out of the unit and he proceeded to get...
I agree. Allies have become a pretty major part of 40k and i still avoid them.
I believe he is referring to the potential for new allies rules come 9th.
Personally I think ethereal is overrated on the slann but some people still swear by it. I think it's incredibly over priced tho. Shield on...
It's really a deal breaker for me. Combined with the low initiative, it makes rippers far to fragile for my liking. I'd LOVE if they had a...
Fair enough. I still think an army geared around PF (with or without it applying to supporting attacks) would be fun and interesting and if you...
It's in the main rule book FAQ.
^ what this guy said.
Fair enough. However, as I stated it seems like that comes down to your personal decision. Ultimately PF isn't making that much of an impact....