Was his grey seer in a unit at any point? In the latest edition, characters can be shot at if they are on their own, no matter how close they're...
This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel...
haha, that's awesome :D
Welcome to the site mate, hopefully you can find lots of tips and advice here :)
Grats on the wins and welcome to the site :) I've never used a Southlands list, quite surprising considering the amount of games I'v played using...
Yeah, I've been meaning to have a look at that sometime. I think it might be because I'm using a domain pointer, but that's just a guess :P
Hey, looks like a lot of effort has gone into those models, thanks for sharing :)
I was looking for some papervision3D demos today and I found this http://www.carlosulloa.com/demos/spaceship/ It's scary good, I wonder how long...
Does anyone know if there are going to be any new playable races in the MoC expansion?
Cool, it's good to know we're showing up on Google now :)
I would say a box of skinks and a saurus character for some good leadership is a strong start. From there it's whatever takes your fancy, what do...
Welcome to the site mate, and thanks for the compliment :) Out of interest, how did you find us?
Nice find, however I think I prefer the current models better :shifty:
That looks like a fast and hard hitting list, I wouldn't like to play against it!
When I have saurus I like to use units of 20 as well. Some people favour a more MSU approach with smaller numbers, but I like the staying power of...
I have found that every lizardmen unit fills a different role, and what's best depends on what is in the rest of your army and how it all fits...
Users SohCahToa and Craken have been made mods to help me out keeping an eye on the site. Good work guys! :)
Portugal look strong, but did you see the Dutch last night? They've swept aside both Italy and France so far, they're looking like serious...
That's a great pic mate, he does look very focused indeed. If he keeps it up from such a young age you might have a future Golden Daemon winner! :)
They look great, I love the dual blade weapon on the kroxigor :)