In the last ed I suppose a battery (skink priest) powered 2nd Gen Slann could be viewed as cheese. But I don't really believe in cheese as a...
Hey, welcome to the site mate :)
I like Kroak I think he's great, but I've never played a big enough game to warrant using him. I always find that I'd rather have 2 2nd Gen...
Anyone gonna follow it? I'm English so my interest is less at the moment, but I want Greece to win it again! :D
Yeah the card turnover is risiculously fast, and if you want to play competitively you need to spend a fortune to get the best cards. It's an...
It looks like it as all the elements to be a strong all round list. How about dropping the lvl2 upgrade on the priest, as he gives the same magic...
wow, 9th ed eh? I stopped soon after 7th was released :P
Wii fitness is selling out pretty fast as well. I've always thought of the whole thing as a bit of a gimmick, but if it is then it's one which is...
lustria-online banner If you browse other forums you can use the lustria-online banner in your sig for that site (make sure it's ok by their...
Cool, the wii can be a workout in it's own right. I don't have one myslef but I played a couple of games of wii tennis with a friend and my arm...
I've added some new forums to the site, I hope you like them. Also, if there's anything else you can think of which would be good on this site...
So what do people do apart from play lizards? My general hobbies include guitar playing, programming, going to the gym and getting drunk! :bored:
Here is an online fantasy based rpg some people I know play, it's like DnD I think, find out more here
Here is a popular online rpg some people I know play. It's a text based space rpg, and it's quite addictive I'm led to believe. Check it out for...
It's sometimes easy for us lizards to forget but don't forget about miscast. I know there's not much we can do to increase the chances of it but...
I played for a while, although only at regional level. Anyone else?
Thanks for posting, that looks like a mean dwarf list! :)
The save isn't great but grail knights and DP don't have t4, or s4 mounts, or fear...:P They have done great for me many times, maybe I'm just...
Cool, I've been having trouble with MySQL recently so wasn't able to get the avatars back. I'm talking with the host to find out what the problem...
Hi, I've accidentally removed all the user avatars it seems. I blame the useless admin cp which comes with this BB software. Please accept my...