The last time I played O&G I got beat quite bad. Look out for the WAAAAGH, it's a game winner. Also, their wolf chariots are geat for dealing...
In small points games I think it's worth putting the jaguar charm on the scar-vet, even if you don't play him like a usual JSoD, it's still nice...
Hi, they look great, thanks for posting :)
I will be intalling the latest version of phpBB in the next few days so if the site is offline that is why :)
Hmm, I haven't played border patrol myself, so I wouldn't really know where to start :P
No worries, done :) The spears vs. HW/shield is an age old debate. A lot of people will say that the price of spears is a little too high for...
Welcome to the forum mate. We have players of all experience levels here so I'm sure you'll pick up some good tips :)
So what do people think of the new Daemons? Will they pose the lizardmen any troubles?
Welcome to the site :) Looks pretty good, what are you planning to do with the oldblood on the cold one?
Thanks for the report :) Beasts can be tough, they can put out some really asty MSU lists. It's just a shame that some of your units didn't see...
Looks like a fun list. One thing I would suggest though is putting a ward on the oldblood. The aura of quetzl is perfect as it offers a good...
Luthor got up and walked to the door, weapon ready, and saw a shadow moveing in the slither of light filtering into the room. "Who is it?" he...
Welcome to the site mate, and thanks for the compliment :) Hope you can find lots of tips here :)
I usually sit back casting offensive magic, when it's time to engage I have a unit of TG and two units of Krox to lend a hand :bored:
Turn up the heat on Lustria-Online by clicking on the warhammer toplist link right at the bottom of the page! :) Thanks
Give a box of saurus spears and a good paint job and you've got some TG (that's how I made mine anyway ;) )
"What the...!? Let me finish first!" said the Dwarf that Imriel had started speaking to. After a while the dwarf turned and spoke, "A tavern eh?"...
I haven't played against them but I've read the book and the new cairn wraiths look nasty, how would we deal with those?
Hi, welcome to the site :) Looks like a strong list. Those character will add punch to the saurus units which is good. Have you thought about...
lol, you can't just "bring a hill" and deploy it as thought it were part of your army list! If he's been doing that then he's not been playing...