I'd probably say neither is really worth it. GW is simply too expensive for what is ultimatly merely some plastic & Mantic is simply not good...
I have to say, the GW ones look better though. The discussion starts somewhere halfway down this page. Didn't they do one for the knights with 2...
What @Killer Angel says here basicly. Magic against single entity targets is rather limited, usually to max D3 damage with a few unreliable...
Yeah, I wish they'd provide something more significant than a -1 to hit to protect squishy support heroes. All that stands between say a...
Aaaah, I thought throwing the rocks with 1 unit was the CA and throwing it with all Gargants was the trait. In that case yeah, doesn't seem like...
Some info about how gargants work as mercenaries. Nothing too exciting except for the undead one having a minor version of our stegadon's...
Why? I don't see any limits in the phrasing. Usually it'd say things like "a unit can only benefit from this ability once per turn" or something...
I'm not hatin', fodder has its purpose :p
Right, couldn't remember what the limit on CP buying was anymore and couldn't find it quickly anywhere. And fine, we'l go for 2000 then. Anyway,...
ignore this, clicked too fast can be deleted if there's any mods around :P
Fortunatly I don't overly care about the multiplayer :p And singleplayer usually doesn't have this issue except maybe at the very start of the...
Assuming we're not attacking a horde and there's no exalted flamer hanging around: That command ability does 0.44 damage against a 4+ save on...
Nah Ogres are better, I'm even trying to start collecting an army of those for AoS (as if I'm not yet trying to collect enough armies...) The...
Who knows? :P In all honesty though, chaos dwarfs don't seem like they'd add much to TW at this point. Aestheticly they're of course very...
Not a fan of the mightier makes rightier rule they have. I mean, I get that they need a rule similar to the Mawtribes to make up for their low...
I don't like hard counters in general. And in this case especially as it basicly kills what should be one of the core foundations of a...
Of course your tools don't always have to be perfect. But gargants are so different from the "average" opponent you'l face that some lists will...
Nah, Ogres are definitly more interesting in this case :p Also finally getting daemons would be nice :p
Still being able to play the game is fine, still having a potential output of 20 damage/round of combat with an average of 8-9-ish unsupported...
I know, it just annoys me that 10% of the time it's going to be rather amazing. I don't like things that are balanced under the notion of "10% of...