We're not particularly OP, there is however a specific list which is fairly impactfull and not super fun to deal with (teleporting salamander...
Individually all those effects seem fine, and even reasonably costed. I have however 1 major concern. Do those abilities stack, or are some...
In all honesty, I like the C'tan being shards. Having both master and servant be broken, desperatly trying to regain their former glory, fits...
well, that's kinda silly, even if it adds a certain degree of "realism". Glad that's gone.
Sorry what would you be removing in this case? Are you saying in WHFB you couldn't measure stuff whenever you wanted to? I'm confused. True. I am...
My point is that it doesn't need to be "worse" or overcost. It's fine if it provides an advantage compared to the regular heroes you have. There's...
Meh, I don't mind that they're essentially just tomb kings in space. But imho, their models fit much better with a broken race, bound in...
seems like it yeah, so not like every faction will have it's own custom Nagash & Teclis :p
Meh, it doesn't need to be worse, hell it's even fine if it's flat out better provided it comes at the appropriate cost. It only really becomes an...
Ah sorry, misunderstood, thought you were questioning where he got the extra attacks from. And yeah to specificly make a kroxigor list it's a...
Thunderquake templehost gives +1 attack to all melee weapons when the thunderquake is savage. Which would amount to 2 extra attacks on a kroxigor...
it's essentially the system you use in 40K to pick a load-out for your units. Pay a base-cost, pay an additional cost to stick on a fancy gun or a...
How is this his fault? :p
I'm not saying Kroak will be bad in any way cuz of this. I'm saying that Kroak with an astrolith is simply fine and didn't need to be nerfed, even...
I guess, but somehow it just strikes me as too much. The other necron heroes are also supposed to have (some part) of their personality left...
The range advantage of javalins is neglicable now that you can't shoot at their backline when you're in combat. Just go for bolas.
well the do look rather grand. Not sure if I actually like em though, they somehow don't feel like necrons. Maybe it's just that they have too...
O goodie, another blanket change. Why can't they just nerf the specific edge cases like Nagash while leaving more minor and legitimate cases like...
meh, unless they give coalesced a seperate point value for salamanders I'd still be pissed. Starborne spam needs a nerf, but they're perfectly...