Whoever was worrying about Gargants bassicly being AoS knights. They basicly are, just look at these statlines. They do introduce a nice rule...
Try playing simpler games with very clear goals where he makes his list first and you can tailor something against it. Preferably with some extra...
Ah right like that. It happens so rarely that I completly forgot.
se several more centurieis obviously :p
I guess that bird could work with the grots on wolves, given that those are hun/mongol based and those hunt with birds, similar aesthetic as some...
wouldn't that hero get to pile in himself on the 2nd unit?
that'd be novel, and most likely utterly ridiculous. They should do it :p
I had forgotten those even existed.... Though i don't think this particular picture makes sense for a normal wolf being ridden by a goblin. It...
Not necesarly super competitive but to add to the list @Grotpunter already posted: - SCE Dracolines/paladors/Dracoths: they don't need much...
If they're going to do that I hope they'l start adding them to the actual GHB just as a way to collect them all in one place. Plus the GHB at this...
It wouldn't be very original though, but definitly possible :p [ATTACH] meh, given the similarities, and the fact that werewolves & vampires tend...
Maybe it should become the gothic grand allegiance then instead of undead :p Or maybe they're some weird vampire werewolve hybrid. We used to...
it has the same sort of feel as the FEC, standing on a ruined fallen pillar, naked leg, clawed feet, looks a bit darker towards the bottom....
[ATTACH] Another vampire-y one.
Imho, adding stricter unit cohesion would probably be a great idea. I never quite understood why we have such lax unit cohesion rules, a chain of...
I mean sure, but then you either end up with every hero having a ranged attack so they can shoot the 5th rank to break up unit coherency, which...
meh, there's too large a discrepancy in CP generation between different lists for that to work.
yup :p imho, if you take this route that ability needs to be increadibly common, otherwise you're going to run into issues were certain lists...
Ah, like that. I'm surprised it's had that great of an effect, but if thats all that's needed to keep conga-lining to a minimum then yeah we...
What do you mean?