the dice are the most interesting part about that army...
They don't necesarly need to be seductive, but at least there should be some elegance and some kind of draw to them. They're horrible monsters of...
units with recognizeable faces can be plenty grimderp
meh, i'd rather have a more fire emblem-y one, bit more attachment to the units instead of replaceable goons.
it's a strategy game though, and if there's one thing that diablo ain't it's a strategy game.
o that underhive game is still going, surprised it hasn't been cancelled yet given how long it seems to have been in development.
its supposed to be "fast paced though" which isn't exactly a thing you say about turn based strategy. Honestly bit of a confusing reveal though...
Also, to put into perspective how horribly overpriced the anvil is: it's impossible to make a tzeentch hero that's better in melee than the...
that's one of the popular guesses on facebook, especially in combination with some of the previous rumour engines like the halberd.
adeptus mechanicus :p To be honest they should probably add if it's 40K or AoS when it's something like this that'd fit in both.
you'd think they'd release a couple more of those. Easy filler for a white dwarf & easy marketing for unpopular armies. GW moves in mysterious ways.
It's a brilliant tool for players, encourages kitbashing which would improve sales, and would be increadibly usefull for internal use as well...
Wait, the chameleon is for warcry?
meh, the anvil has the following issues: Most things are overcosted when compared to official heroes, especially if you want to make a...
meh, at least this way I don't need to buy the new releases. Slaanesh is boring :p
Imho, the main difference is the pose, the current chameleons would look very similar when climbing a tree. Admittadly, this one does accentuate...
It's honestly not more feral than the current chameleons, the only difference is that it's sitting in a treebranch but it has basicly the same...
Although that might explain why the skink is relativly expensive, as especially the spells are relativly good for us, but that doesn't explain why...
Anyone else dissapointed by the anvil of apotheosis? I've been looking at it and the internal balance is all over the place. Just looking at the...
I have an alternative solution for you, it's not super complicated to kitbash :P [ATTACH] [ATTACH]