Makes me curious why it needs to be printed so early though. Half a year seems excessive, printing and shipping shouldnt take that long. And...
To be honest it surprises me how early they send it of to print given that everything after the CoS release Will have its points updates...
Is there anything left to say about realms though? :P
I think this might be the biggest disagreement we have. And its one I commonly have with people. I generally dislike it when 1 army/unit/etc....
True, ultimatly the exact limit is arbitrary, but at this point it seems like we're starting too see too many powerfull wizards. Or at least, too...
A 3+ to casting bonus is in itself, not problematic. But it becomes an issue when this stops being a rarity. At that point, regular wizards end up...
It is, cuz infinite growth simply doesn't work, eventually you run into problems :p Things like allegiance abilities, or entirely new mechanics...
yup, I'm just very good at complaining about it at the same time :p Especially when the things I complain about are easy enough to avoid with...
It's not inherently bad, the only issue is that even those combo's need their limits. And that's were GW seems to be lacking. They encourage...
A good tester should at the very least find the inconsistent & badly phrased rules as well as some of the more obvious balance issue. Shouldn't...
Ironically white dwarf battlereports are usually super casual with armies just randomly thrown together with barely a thought for synergy and thus...
Always assume your users will misunderstand, misuse and break everything. GW should hire some good software testers who go and stress the rules to...
+1 from being Kroak +1 from The Sage's staff +1 from another slann casting Celestial Equilibrium for a total of +3 true, but I do think GW has...
Seems against the spirit of the rule.So I'd say it shouldn't be allowed. However, RAW it would be I guess. O sure you don't need GW's...
Which is literally just a random bit off to the side repeating what was already in the GHB 19. Not part of the warscroll. It's also something...
No terrain warscroll has any restrictions. The only restriction came 1) from the scenario and 2) from the old GHB 19 book that stated the 6"...
well it's an achievement that they've managed to nerf it given how underwhelming it already was...
a possible 120 day delivery time, that's rather long. At least it's a good way to deal with scalpers. I think it's exactly 20 marines on foot,...
The other restrictions refer to any specific restrictions set by the battleplan you're using. The default is now 1" to allow some of the bigger...
yup, they can force you say to only place your terrain in a corner. Even with the relaxed requirements for the placement of faction terrain. The...