As a general rule, skink braves are worthless. An additional point of BS doesn't mean much when the real damage is when you roll a 6 anyway. One...
You need some terradons. In fact, I hereby declare terradons a must-have for any Lizardmen army!
Against any sort of elves, Salamanders are utterly brutal. HE and their silly ranked infantry! I was initially building razordons into my list...
While it is possible for some armies to get a 0+ or better armor save, there is no legal way for a dwarf player to get better than 1+. Everyone...
Hits: When placing down the blast template, it is not uncommon to score over 10 hits on the enemy (For just ONE template). To even get 10 hits...
You probably want command with those skink/krox blocks. Not sure where you will get the points, but those units will be US22, and you won't be...
It is under the Salamander description where it says to resolve each one before going to the next one. Not sure the BRB even covers this.
The huge difference I noticed was that Kroak's spell does not ignore armor saves, so it won't do much against heavily armored stuff.
Not poison, it is basically a crossbow bolt.
I'd say he probably only has a small vial of the stuff, so he can only use it on his own weapons.
Thanks for the responses. I guess that allows me to stave off frenzy if that is my goal, of attack with the carno first if I'm ready to let...
It really depends on what kind of list you are building. If he is going to be your sole magic defense guy and is going to be riding the EotG in a...
1. Say I have a Lord on Carnosaur. I charge a single model and my Lord wipes it out with his Blade of Realities. Is the combined model now...
If you can reliably miscast, you should bring along "Cupped hands of the Old Ones" and put that miscast on the enemy!
Don't forget, auto-wounding on a 6 to hit!
The bolt thrower rules state that the bolt continues until it "fails to slay" a model. Just depends on whether you want to use common sense and...
In addition the BSB adds +1 to combat res of the unit he is in.
Item: Please buy more cold one models. Cost: Way too much Description: Ever wanted your hard hitting cavalry to also act like a tarpit? Then...
Ha! That would be awesome! I think something that could also happen is the screening unit in the front panics and runs through the unit it is...