I think one of the things that really might prevent me from taking salamanders is the darn template! It slows the game down a good bit and I...
The Tomb Kings are flammable, so flaming doubles wounds against them. Vampires have regeneration, so flaming is good against them because it...
They will fly over your own troops, and I'm pretty sure even if they land on your own troops they will go just beyond them. Not entirely sure...
"2d6 strenght 5 hits against undead" While that would be nice, it's still only D6 str 5. They do ignore armor though, Grave Guard beware! "not...
Welcome back, good timing too! You can learn the latest lizardmen book with the rest of us. I'm new to lizardmen but pretty solid on most 7th...
All of those are doable I think, though joining the steg to saurus would severely hamper its movement. Joined to skinks he keeps the same...
This was recently covered in an FAQ, but multi wounds do count toward overkill. So 3 wounds from the piranha blade would turn into 6 CR (1 wound...
Hammerers win out every time for me, since they are always stubborn. Just make them immune to fear and terror so they don't autobreak, and you're...
Ah, my bad then!
Those wounds on your Stegadon probably shouldn't have happened, as it isn't legal to direct any sort of fire at models in hand-to-hand including...
Hmm, if number 6 is true I may not need to buy razordons after all. That is almost a 1/3 chance of misfiring per razordon on a stand and shoot....
Dark elves are nasty little buggers. The ignore scaly skin thing was almost certainly a special character, and you won't really see it unless he...
Anvil of Doom goes off in the Shooting phase, BUT the description of "Wrath and Ruin" specifically states the attack is magical. I guess the only...
I think one thing that helps in busting big blocks with the Carno is overkill. Just challenge and you may find your opponent thinks, "Oh, this...
I think the question about Razordons and "stand and shoot incidents" was more along the lines of... "Do I still get to use shots from the other...
There is an advantage to buying a shield though. When you are being shot at you use the extra +1 from shields. When close combat begins, you may...
I think the cost of the saurus will discourage me from ever using them as a true "anvil" unit. I may try a skink-block if I'm finding I really...
The extra armor save for hand weapon+shield only applies to models on foot. Since this guy is mounted, no parry bonus for him.
I don't think monstrous mounts can join units... could be wrong but I'll have to check the rulebook again.
Looking to start up lizardmen as my second army. Since I started with dwarves, I want to avoid a magic heavy blaster list. I guess this is a...