Boy, did you find the right forum. Have you been lurking for long?
Glad you are finding it helpful. I only claim to being an authority on my limited level of drawing - don't forget that YouTube is riddled with...
I'm glad you think so. Others do not take to being mocked so happily. Feel free to tell me to pull my head in if you prefer. Back to the story,...
Another cliff hanger?. Haven't you learned your lesson? I warily circled the empty palanquin noting each blemish on the ancient throne. It had...
Your friend might have an alternative giant head from the kit (don't know if it has one) Use the head as the base for your unit champ. Have one...
I use Sketchbook Pro for almost everything, then do the final cropping and adding speech bubbles in MS paint. I host the images on imageshack and...
No. You are thinking of "Thor - the Quest for Mjolnir" (Out next week) I confess I haven't even thought about how this could end happily.
Sigminions - The Case for the Prosecutor [img]
These are my feels - no need to be influenced by them :) Short story length up to 2500 is OK - We've had a number exceeding 2000 words in 2015,...
Acceptance Speech (Part 2) It is a weird feeling, sitting on top of the L-O Temple pyramid. I admit that while I was writing and drawing, I...
Aslanputin? He is not a tame Slann.... 3 lines which just grabbed me. Well done, Bowser. Looking forward to the next instalment.
Deathworld by Harry Harrison should be mandatory reading for anyone designing their own little slice of paradise. My own fluff basis was the...
The New York Giants have a red white and blue logo colour which wouldn't look bad as crest, skin and scales. They could be your "Nuked Your...
for better General art. better reply when i can actually see what i am writing on the screen!
Oops, late acceptance speech from the realm of low signal and ten percent battery. Thanks for the kind words (and votes). I try to do something...
Sigminions - The Judicator Solution [img]
Ummm. Mine was a joke. I am considering doing the same to anyone who finishes a story on a cliff hanger, just so that all the other kiddies...
You should stand out, what with the Chaos Tattoo and all.... I add a +1 to Firefly.
Where was your head previously? As noted, the Seraphon are formed of star stuff, summoned into corporal form by the vast intellects of the...