Mr Mugabe has finally come through! Dice Dice Dice, Preciousss!
So to date, this has been stuff that kinda makes sense. Then there is the whole stars constellations bit doesn't, so I have just decided to treat...
We have a winner....
The Archive of Bob grows dusty.
As messed up as this ? [img]
sigh. @airjamy The best avatar on Lustria-Online that I didn't do :( You should get n810 to resize it, though
Q. What is the scenario in the example battle above? A. GET TO THE CHOPPA!
:(....:( ....:( :(....:mad:
You can have whatever city you want, bro. But what I think what Scalenex is saying is that the first author to develop some detailed fluff about...
My slann is going to have a really big TV and an extra palanquin which is refrigerated and always full of cold beverages. There might be some...
OK, so the Slann are sole mortal survivors of the world that was. I wouldn't go so far as to say they are gods, mostly because they can manifest...
So where do the seraphon go to unwind after a long day of ferociously and mercilessly slaying? It seems that the world-that-was was unknown to...
I accept that no mention of the Old Ones doesn't not mean they don't still not exist. Which is oddly comforting. The slann aren't bowing the...
Thanks for the tip on the painting one - although I might have even paid money for that if I had known it was out. Poor GW.
The last time a guy didn't use his full vote allocation, he got pestered by people trying to bribe him into voting for theirs too. Do you take...
You both give me comfort. While slapping me down. Am I messed up or what?
Hey That'swutshesaidwutwut! Weekend over. Battle report due. I'm waiting.
You, however, are a walking talking dark ages of cartooning. All the image links in business raptor (both locations) are broken. I hadn't...
How the Slann, on their titanic void-ships REALLY found Dracothion, the Star-Drake. [img]
Horror ain't my genre, and I would go a long way to avoid something in the torture genre like Saw. That said, graphic violence is totally fine....