My use of the unfortunate word comes from the fact that most of the people who require proof reading assistance from me are New World savages.
Which was my first interpretation when the incalculable Mr Crowsfoot started talking about his wife above. I am just WAY too classy to mention it.
You are screwed. Because I believe Crowstoe (age 8) could teach you a thing or two about maths, Mr Glass-Another-Half-Full
Jhsbdjskzkdbagsuskdnevsjsodlsbsgsueyeurndbdusjdndfjsoslsnsbdjdkfkdldl!no dice no ddice no dice no dice! Heard the Shepherd (NexS1) had an...
That should be, "SoB will always find a way to make you regret not proofreading your every word 158309.374 times PERIOD. CAPITAL Believe me, he...
Greetings Sensei, Saurus warriors are a great way to start painting. I always found the idea of a really well uniformed army a problem (elf,...
Thanks, Kor-Lot-Ko. That's a relief.
So there was this horse race today, and I was thinking "what would lizardmen bet with?" which led to the questions "what has material value to...
Feedback version 2 Great authors (me, Tolkien) believe that a story is never complete. He revised "Riddles in the Dark" in the Hobbit to match...
I like the furtive look behind. Makes you seem like the wolf.
Bites? That goat got the nibbles!
Finish it. Post it. Let me read it. If you have pride in your work, disembowel yourself with a pyramid shaped snake as you upload.
New Friend 2/11/15 @Oxytol Umm. OK...? [img] And here is the PNG version, just in case @n810 yone wanted to make an avatar...
I started reading and couldn't stop, hence the lack of beauty sleep :inpain: It was one heck of a good read. A reliable, totally anonymous...
Out standing in their field? Like Children of the Corn? High praise.
It is a tricky question. If we ignore RAW / RAI conflict with the army books, and the lack of support / army balancing, the game mechanics allow...
It's quiet...
Wow. With discernment like that, I would love it if you judged the entries in the scratch-built-life-size-piranha-blade competition that I just...
You just looked at it, didn't you?