Meh, expected the new fancy big model to be able to do some heavy lifting, as well as that new fancy lord. But i guess the warriors and scarabs...
really? They seemed to have some decent stuff in it.
It's viable to play without a slann-general as summoning has already been limited to the point it's no longer a real core mechanic unless you...
It wouldn't work with stegadon regardless as they're 1 model units so they can't give look-out sir to anything.
O definitly, I just appreciate there being terrain in a starting set. The box itself is still terrible, especially the space marine side, 2 units...
meh, in all honesty I like the terrain being in a starter set, it's one of the most dissapointing things about starting wargaming hobbies,...
On the corresponding FB post someone mentioned there's a couple bits of fluff mentioning a vampire that opposes Nagash and apparently mentioning...
nah more vampires, it's too sharp & vicious as well as badly maintained for CoS. we've had a whole bunch of rumors for them lately. Maybe we'l...
it's not a FNP it's a ressurect.
Given that that'd be stupid, I'm going to say no. I think this is just a very confusing way of saying "summons and such don't count towards the...
they get 1 FNP roll, if they have multiple FNP they have to choose which 1 to use. Similar to how Kroak can't use both the FNP from an astrolith...
Theres 40 skinks, that's plenty of bodies to make a pretend distractioncarnifax out of. Anyway the point is more that a block of skinks without...
Yup, which is why I really don't like the current setup. It also makes it very weird that Nagash hasnt crushed the other Grand allegiances yet,...
Imho skinks without shields become a dsictraction carnifex. Theyre squishy and a potential threat so opponente Will be quite eager to annihilate...
Theres been a bunch of vampire rumour engines so i guess that fits. Only downside is that they probably follow nagash again, cuz gw seems to...
And then they play something shooty like tzeentch and dont care :p
With the way their 40k app seems to work it seems like they also want a part of that Sweet recurring revenue stream that is "<some bullshit> as a...
KiƱda like the unicorns best...
Meh dissapointing to see they havent made a distinction between starborne and coalesced salamanders, but not exactly unexpected. At least the...
Yeah tzeentch units are squishy as hell if you can make it through the barrage of ranged attacks and start hitting Them they die rather quickly....