Well... Reading all this here makes starting a new army much more appealing... Maybe some dwarfs, too? Got to check what's available! In every...
Wanna have! give to me! ;) really stunning work!
Get it!
Oh! There is still a priest in the title of this! So... Here a small update on the priest! Changed skin color and couldn't see these orange cloak...
And at this point I have to thank you all here on this forum! All I learned about painting and stuff I learned here! Be it through tips and...
Oh. But looks quite modern! ;) the original 5th edition saurus spears look quite clumsy compared to toothpicks!
That big guy looks hungry! ;)
Hey! Some progress on this already nice looking Troglodon? or are you still not back home?! ;)
Just did some painting today... Decided to make the crouching guy blue with a red belly and grey back scales. Not so sure about the crest... Right...
That one looks really good! How much time do you spent on a model like that?
Yes! Some old fifth edition saurus with modern weapons and standard... I also still have about 30 from back in those days. But mine are not...
Here's what I did for the left arm [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And I have no idea what drove me to do that: [ATTACH] But this looks nearly as good as...
Yes the toad looks amazing! The other stuff is also really cool! I really like how you solved the "problem" with the back of your marines.
Small progress... Had to finish my script for my instructor license test in may... Deadline for that was today so it took till four in the...
Great stuff here all! @jacintomateus square glass for the brushes and round one for the drink? ;) @Warden hope you find the time for your fort....
That's even cooler!;)
Wow! This is real good stuff! Excellent performance on the krox! And good idea with the eotg parts, too! And nice to see I'm not the only one...
Looks good so far! I think the finger looks the right length.
Yes! Kojak is back! But with lizards! ;)
Nice monster and nice equipment for the monster. I like the crystal!