Nicely done, Sir!
@Acrocanth Yes! Really a nice little guy. Sad that he's my only one. I should really redo the painting on him. And yes @Bowser I guess...
Skinkupdate!! [ATTACH] Here is the original position that I am trying to copy... [ATTACH] And I found my champion [ATTACH]
Dortmund, Germany... Just a normal forest in an high industrial area... There are far more forest like forests further away from our place... ;)...
Spent so time with the other minis today! Forrest time! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Lunch time! [ATTACH] Later more on the skink... Now we'll have a...
Ice shield and spear for the lava skink [ATTACH] Progress on Gura matunhu [ATTACH] Little mess around the left eye... [ATTACH] And Rakapinza...
Wow! Thanks for the nice words!
Ladies leggings for 9,97... Need to tell my wife! And when she's there she can get me this 2for8 meat pack offer... ;) Oh! Nice rippers there! I...
Did some details... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And some shields [ATTACH] So... Details and shields... [ATTACH] ;) What do you think if the yellow lava...
[ATTACH] Now it's time to do the details!
I could make a little potty that fits under his tail... Might be less difficult than doing the legs... Maybe also a "do not disturb" not on his...
At least there is a chimney, so a pile of wood would be a logical consequences... ;)
Indeed! That's a chocolate snowman! From 2015... ;)
Was trying to make this guy sit like the one of the old salamander set... Failed I would say... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I guess I will just cut of...
Another new pose... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Will be equipped with a saurus shield, so he might have the 300 Spartan look when finished... Now off to...
Small update on Gura mantunhu and Rakapinza... These are the names my wife gave to those lizards... It's Shona... You know that language Leonardo...
Good luck!
You like big weapons, don't you? ;) Looks good! Now go on and paint the beast!
I did it a similar way... But made my own feathers... Had all my standards used for other stuff... ;)