Hope they are as effective in battle as their movie pendant! ;)
Nice! Reminds me a little bit of the ghost army from the last part of lord of the rings.
Nice rock!! Really fitting! The cold one looks nice, too!
Nice dress! Put this time you didn't keep it at five colours per model... But maybe this one counts as two! ;) Nice job!
The last part reminds me of that situation where one hells angles leader threw one off thier prospects down the stairway cause he was unfriendly...
What a badass! really cool guy!
Had some time to chekc your pics on PC right now (economy lesson! :meh:) really like your Oxyotl! and im looking forward to see the skink chief......
Got blinded by the flashing gold! ;) looks nice so far! And now I see how my purple TG shields are gonna look like... Quite nice! :P;)
Wow! I really like your color code... Used to do it in a similar way with my first little army back in 5th. Had black brown and blue units of...
Nice one!
This priest is so... so so! I want more... more more!!! ;) sorry i din't reply earlier, but my phone is broken so i had no chance to read on the...
Wanted to give a similar reply like that! Good you already did @Raptor_00 .;)
This made me think... As I understand that rule you don't have to kill the actual models which were deployed but only the same amount of models......
Those amaxons are quite ... Deadly for the Lustrian fauna... Nice idea of adding the dates of edits to the previous chapters... Otherwise I would...
Mathematical error in line 9! But a this size of list that can happen... ;) How long did it take to play the games?
Good one! More please! ;)
Great job, @spawning of Bob ! Day one was a success! ;)
Only some errors to correct and some purple lines coming from the shoulder to the chest and he's ready for a first wash... Gems will be done...
I like the whole color scheme! :P
I completely agree!