You can use a scar vet to hunt war machines. Terradons are not war machine hunters.
Also it's important to remember that the charger has to wheel to come into contact with the unit it's charged. Can make enemy units expose their...
No worries I shouldn't have called you out like that
Hm. I like it then. It still might be worth it to figure out a way to get a 1+ rerollable on one of the cold ones.
What are you going to be using that third Scar Vet for? Also curious about the lack of dawnstone. Might be worth messing with the armor of...
ancient steg is really the only thing worth putting in a rare slot. salamanders are another option, but assuming 2400 points you really dont...
Ah, i see. My mistake then! I do think there are some current threads that have a more recent conversation but /shrug. To answer the initial...
That's a good example. I dont play with/play against ogres very often, but that makes a lot of sense. Just another question, how are you...
There are more recent threads discussing rippers/terradons. No need to necro a thread thats 2 years old.
Why would you refuse a challenge with a champion? If your scared it'll die, the damage done to your unit by whatever character you were scared of...
Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B "net list" warriors is pretty rough for the lizards. It's funny, if you had high...
Seeing your sig always makes me happy.
Tau came out in april. 4 months before lizardmen.
I'd bet money on no faqs until 9th.
It's MUCH different than how allies are used in 40k. I am 100% aware of the fact that allies are in the current warhammer edition. The way...
With all those upgrades he's like 600 points at least. There is a reason 600 point monsters aren't used. I doubt he's that rage inducing.
Assuming your not trolling, nothing. Nothing is going to make a slann combat ready. Look at his stat line. He makes one attack.
I guess i just see it differently. Krox, rippers, regular steg, and CoC to a greater or lesser extent aren't even a consideration for me (in a...
1200 points in special :jawdrop: 6 terradon riders is only like 210. Still leaves about 1k points for temple guard if you want lol
Personally I think they WS light buff is pretty effective. The initiative is wasted but the strength from Wyssans is mostly wasted as well....