Hero points are usually tight. Terradon riders are extremely good in their own right. From an efficiency standpoint i'd just go with the riders....
You slann is pretty heavy for a sub 2k point game. Looks like in the games you have 3 disciplines and magic armor/weapons on him. IMO that's...
IMO if there isn't at least 2 pieces of terrain on the board that provide decent LOS it completely changes the game and i do not enjoy playing it....
Can prolly find it online for just a few bucks. Bought a couple old shaven WD for 3 dollars each around Christmas
If allies come to 9th I might have to say goodbye to warhammer. Allies have absolutely ruined the 40k competitive scene. I hope GW doesn't...
How are you miscasting on channel? Or does the arcane ruins effect casting as well?
tsk tsk! Every board needs at least one building! Stack u p some paperback books and use that ;) Me and my brother started to set up terrain...
I really like the head, very vicious looking. I can see the rat comparison. The stomach should come down more so it doesnt have such a...
while things like wound/to hit charts, leadership checks, etc have a lot of similarity with 40k, I would try to think of them as separate games...
How much terrain do you usually play with ? I find that the amount of quality LOS blocking terrain really swings how effective things like the...
I love the carno model so i've been forcing it into my lists. I've been fiddling with a cheap slann + old blood cowboy (on a cold one with a...
strike verb 1. hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement. Impact hits are not a strike. They are not struck...
And to cast ;)
"When striking or struck" You don't strike with impact hits. If they wanted to include impact hits they would merely say "attacks made in close...
Since saurus come in boxes of 16, it might be hard to start out with 25 saurus. The battalion will give you a box of saurus, skinks, cold ones,...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (revised list - advice sought) Be interested to hear how the new list does. Not a huge fan of skrox.
They are both over priced. Maybe GW felt like they made up for it with tetto
This. Or terradons. Misdirect it and otherwise ignore it unless you have a carno or a cowboy to toss into it. All you can do.
just remember that the temple guard aren't stubborn or ITP when they dont have a slann.