If by champs you're talking about skink chiefs on mounts then no. Characters can't join flying units.
Re: A new Lizardman list - better, faster, stronger. I think you'll quickly find the skroxigor units to be lacking. I even think lacking would...
I can understand where you are coming from. It may not be your opponents fault he is better, but your lists are not even comparable. You...
I really don't see the range being an issue. At 3 units of 3 you've spent almost 400 on just rippers. No thanks.
Fair enough. I'd like to hear how it goes.
Except a shooty tyranid list with mass devourers flyrant pew pew flyer is actually pretty nasty. A lot of more experienced tournament players...
if you want to keep taking fluffier lists maybe suggest some house comp with your friends? ask him to try out some crazier stuff when he plays...
I don't use temple guard, but if I was going to there would be 25+ of them with possibly the razor standard.
Okay. As I mentioned I have only heard and read poor accounts about using 1 unit of 3. Mostly the comments say the same thing: you need more....
Buy the cards. It makes life easier and they are cheap and nice. They are also limited run so expect them to be gone soon. 2 battalions is...
Agreed. At the Sheffield slaughter empire took first and third place. Ben curry came in second with 15 warlocks. Apparently you need more...
Re: Premature 9th speculations I like most of what you said, but not alliances. The current state of allies is part of the problem in 40k....
Re: Premature 9th speculations 9th will not be coming out this year in my opinion. 8th has been going very well, and really only needs some...
Re: Premature 9th speculations in my opinion 9th wont be coming out this year. but then again, who knows. I like steadfast. I don't...
2 units of 3 is still a 240 point investment is it not? i haven't heard a single person say they've had a positive experience using one unit of 3...
I don't think they are worth the 240 point investment 6 would cost. Especially when I always seem to be tight on points as is. You disagree....
I never tried to imply that they never work. As I said, to each their own. I think they are subpar choice, and clearly you disagree. That's...
To each their own. However, to insinuate they can be great in the hands of skilled players implies we'll be seeing them in the most competitive...
I agree entirely. How many razordons do you really see? How many do you see in tournament lists? If you want to bring them, then sure, they...
at the end of the day if you want to use CoC use them. they aren't an optimal choice, there isn't really an easy way to logic them into your...