how does that mitigate low initiative low toughness and frenzy with leadership 5? edit: maybe i should elaborate a bit. any one of those...
against what? with low initiative, toughness 3 and frenzy you'll be happy if they hit the right target, let alone live through combat. you'll...
8th is the best edition of warhammer fantasy battles IMO. i'd consider playing it.
and then you look at their stat line and realize you made the right choice.
use the signature discipline on slann in TG. the low casting values make it harder to miscast. only thing i can think of, and thats a...
i think you hit the nail on the head with str/t 3 units. anything else is simply going to do way too much damage to the CoC. as mentioned in...
my mistake, missed where they stated an extra model.
i agree. a lot of what people seem to be advocating here i wouldn't consider list tailoring at all. my most common opponent is my brother who...
not trying to dispute whether cold ones should beat the beasts (they shouldn't), but beasts are a pretty filthy unit, and 4 of them would have...
Laser dino
i mean, to each their own, but having a couple 10 man units gives you a lot of options. i think they are one of the best units in the book, and...
both of those disciplines have their place. in a large block of TG the signature discipline might be better because the risk of miscast is...
ah very cool. i'll have to go take a look, sounds like it'll be a good read.
Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat ah gotcha. i usually just go great weapon on my heroes/lords because they have...
i meant through the dispells. seems like dispell should have gotten at least one of them.
do you still find life as effective without loremaster? i've been hesitant to use it because without loremaster you're bound to miss out on...
wow, how'd you manage to get that all off? must have been quite a magic phase.
it'll still be leadership 8, and if he's all gutstar'd up, hopefully his general is moving away from the war machines /shrug. either way i'd...
Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat honestly i'm probably the wrong person to ask cause i think rippers are borderline...
can't you just death snipe the war machines? low leadership means the sig should rock them.