3/10, color palette is to limited, and the gold looks to orange. Would recommend some more highlights for the face and a better base coat of gold....
Objection! Troglodons and most other large lustrian dinosaurs are probably endothermic. Simply put to get to such a size in and reasonable time...
Lol I already got malign sorcery for chronomatic cogs and purple sun of shyish :D As for the dracoths, there is something odd about them [ATTACH]...
I could also do some pinning, it’s not to hard to do
All of the above
Different poses is doable, as for the quality I’m ok at it, not fantastic. I was thinking around this level of detail [ATTACH]
I’d be willing, what kind of sketches would you like? Maybe still frames?
Three carnosaurs and an EoTG in dracothion’s tail. The anarchy was spectacular
[ATTACH] Getting ready for coronavirus [ATTACH] mom asked if I could breathe in it. I simply told her that if I can’t breathe through it,...
Start with the mounts, their pretty easy. Usually some kind of green (I use incubi darkness) and a shade ( coelia greenshade)is really all that’s...
In superior Roman culture, we have no need for “lent”
I got another thought; maybe razordons and cold ones share a common ancestor, with cold ones opting for speed while razordons became heavier and...
Food for thought on razordons because species variation is cool; razordon spine structure and size would be really awesome to see. My guess is...
Well I’ve got a question for you guys, I’ve tried a bit of kit bashing with my saurus knights and turned their Lances into more intimidating...
Question; what kind of role do chameleon skinks do? I’ve never seen the, on the table top, and I’ve rarely seen them online battle reports.
It was a pretty epic fight, especially when the Oldblood pounded the hell out of the maw krusha :D provided my opponent was shall we say; surprised
Ahh, Roman culture is the best. screw Carthage for no less than $69...