Post edited to your suggestions, glad you enjoyed the ridiculously over the top battles, they are a now to write:D
Part two! (It gets pretty graphic) Not far away, the Oldblood and the orruk Warboss were closing in. When the two titans collided the entire...
I guess here is the thing, trying to deal any damage to something so colossal would literally have no impact on it. It’s about the equivalent of a...
So briefly; Bobby G as we all know is a master planner and architect, just like a certain blue feathery god of deception. After the big E...
Unlikely, but it’s nice to hope for it. Crossing my fingers that we get some news soon
If you think AoS is bad, just wait until you learn about 40k!
Maybe swap unforging for stellar tempest and give the starpriest meteoric convocation?
After a narrow defeat given out by some Skaven, I had a few ideas to fix my issues. This list heavily drawn from @LizardWizard but with more...
It’s a fun list, pretty good at hero sniping. Just be careful to cover the carnosaurs, and good luck playing seraphon! also welcome to the forum :)
Me and all the depressed high schoolers; [ATTACH]
You dont NEED them but without ghb and malign sorcery the game becomes a boring slug fest with the stronger units winning almost every time
I just say this; the power creep in AoS is disgusting. Orruks, Ossiarchs, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch are ridiculous in the wounds they can dish out,...
Should have phrased that better, what annoys me is that they didn’t get this stuff with the release of their battletome. That way it wouldn’t...
Not going to lie, I’m sick of all the fan service GW is giving to orruks...
Conspiracy theory; Bobby G was behind the Horus heresy in a grand plot to become the sole ruler of the imperium edit; anyone be interested in an...
I’m allergic to cats. [ATTACH]
Doggo is superior to cat
So with oldbloods you have the on foot version, and the one on a Carnosaur. The Oldblood on foot allows saurus models with in 5” to reroll wounds...
That’s because I’m an unemployed minor who is currently doing reduced school hours and spends way to much time here :D