Dang! I new I was very active here but I didn’t expect to get on the notable members most messages page in a year. Well continuing my pattern it...
I have the time, but nobody in their right mind wants me. besides everyone available is a filthy Barbarian who cannot live up to my high Roman...
Well I got the tau stuff, so I’m set to wait for the long game
I see, might as well get some more tau in the meantime
Based on the white dwarf preview, would it be safe to say we aren’t getting anything February?
Try this https://m.wikihow.com/Get-a-Quick-and-Easy-Divorce
I’m envisioning a bulked up thunder quake with the dread being the focus. Dam that would be amazing
Well if your interested, I was thinking the head would function similarly to the gnashing jaws endless spell, running around the field and...
Screw the greenskinz and their stupid op battletome.
The other two lads (I couldn’t fit them in to the original post) [IMG] And the final guy, you might crap your pants when you realize what I put...
Crisis Suit gang [ATTACH] let the weeb sink in, then admire my crisis shas’vre [IMG]
Looking good! After going through the thread it’s incredible to see how significantly you improved the quality of your painting, very well done. :)
The dating pool for me [ATTACH]
Overall the buffs you apply to your dread saurian are basically the same, and they are highly effective, but be careful and pick your fights, as...
Seraphon vs Orruks, enjoy As the sun began to rise over the horizon, a great din could be heard near the waking city of Aethershire. To the...
Fingers crossed, and hopefully the stars will align to reveal our new battletome
I’ve never actually done zombie rpgs, what are they like? if it’s interesting it might be integrated into the current sci fi campaign as some...
Question; has anyone done sci fi rpgs? I just started one with some friends and I am interested in learning about other people’s experiences....