We are all excited about this! Just three more days until we see new warscrolls
Just going to point this out; we won’t have to wait much longer for our new warscrolls. Every faction that has gone up for pre order has had some...
I do think it’s quite possible, as in one of the soulwars books there was a Slann manipulating a chaos battle for millennia. This seems like the...
Guys wack theory; what of the seraphon are tricking archaon and Nagash to beat each other up before they swoop in and clean up what’s left?
That’s pretty awesome! Thanks for the info :)
[ATTACH] here he is with one of his toys
Enlighten me, I’ve never heard of a Nodachi so how does it function? edit: fixing curse of the auto correct
Here is a prediction; of the temple does summoning, we might see some massive buffs to Slann casting, hopefully to the level where a lord of...
It’s really unlikely, that would be a massive style change and from what we know this hammer does not resemble any Seraphon weaponry
Trex wasn’t color blind! but on the subject of the rumor engine, it probably is aelves, looks like they are delaying us for those pointy eared...
Well if we have any luck we should start seeing stuff soon and the preorders going up on Sunday, next Sunday worst case scenario. To pass the time...
The meme god has made something new!
Well everyone seemed to like talk about dog, so it was a natural idea :)
Notice the word fluff? Dogs got lots of it!
Here is my fluffy buddy! [ATTACH]
Seems legit, here’s to hoping!
What is your source? [ATTACH]