I would say yes, for his price point the astrolith bearer has a lot to offer, granting your hero core extra defense well makes up for the points....
Fun fact: orruks and elves are not fireproof I’m looking at our salamanders
An FNP against mortal wounds and wounds is always nice
Like I said, it’s a risky fight but even crippling the maw krusha will net you a pretty big return for the price of a much cheaper carnosaur....
With a few buffs, it can go toe to toe with a maw krusha, but it’s a risky fight for sure, so plan accordingly
They may be meh now, but the kit still looks awesome :D
Some of the artifacts also go really well on certain heroes, blade of realities in particular can be nasty on an oldblood as it makes up for its...
Exceeded, they performed very well. I didn’t even get to use them to the full extent, but they are very potent command focal areas and unlike many...
Oldblood on Carnosaur is pretty hilarious, with a few alliegence abilities and blade of realities I had him kill a soul mason in two shots.overall...
Ask shall receive, here it is Allegiance: Seraphon Coalesced Koatl’s Claw Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) - Spell: Stellar Tempest Saurus...
Played two games today with the new stuff (the big knights list) The first game was a 1000 point meeting engagement against legions of Nagash. My...
Dunno, Star borne can do some pretty cool stuff and have a real good damage out put. besides, now they have to deal with coalesced seraphon....
Knights are decent now, they have an excellent volume of attacks and with a skink starpriest they can be lethal
Well each unit of knights can average around 10 mortal wounds with some skink starpriest help, and this isn’t even considering scar veteran...
Here is something that could be fun Pros: stupid mortal wound output, and the charges can be devastating good ways to deal with large heroes...
Summoning is out, but coalesced saurus are looking good. They can have a pretty good mortal wound output with a few synergies that will be pretty...
You have rightfully earned every one of those likes:)
Everything is up for pre order in Australia
Question; for a Knight carnosaur list, would it be better to have 3 star priests or a Slann and a starpriest?
I did some testing and a new carnosaur with a dimensional blade (rend 3) can take out a maw krusha fairly handily