Coalesced potential for 20 damage!
So two things; what are our mount traits and artifacts?
Degrading damage is way better than degrading attacks, especially if you can get a good drop with them
Wish I could read Spanish lol
We still haven’t seen our artifacts, and scaly skin is a pretty good source of protection imo.
Any artifacts leaked?
Consider it with coalesced buffs, 4 damage 5 attacks is terrifying, and some shenanigans from a starpriest could make it a monster
That’s pretty decent, flat three damage is scary, and with all the coalesced synergies this thing could hit like a truck
First impressions look decent, I’m guessing that knights will now have a 4+, but it seems unlikely that they will get a third wound based on that...
They never showed us the real grievous. This is what we all wanted [MEDIA]
Behold; what I want to run for the new battletome while being competitive slann Oldblood on Carnosaur Scar veteran on Carnosaur Scar veteran on...
This pleases khorne
Then summon in another and try again. although in all seriousness you have to be smart with carnosaurs. what you want to do is ensure a first...
If you’re new to AoS, here is an ancient piece of wisdom; when in doubt, throw a carnosaur at it. If that fails then do it again.
I see you also are one who understands superior Carnosaur culture :D
I mean it can get aggressive and all, but I want to see LIONS. The worst part about soccer is that they don’t even have swords!
Soccer will never be as good as gladiatorial combat
When was his model released? It looks awesome and I don’t have any real legacy lizardmen heroes