CARNOSAURS!! Literally the first seraphon model I painted was a carnosaur, and ever since they have served me in an exemplary fashion.
dam I can’t wait to see some of the lists that you are going to dream up also, did you really think you could start a thread without me like...
Nothing a little green stuff can’t fix!
A big story you’ve been writing for a year? I’m interested and it would be awesome to see a preview
If we get the stegadon stuff tomorrow, we will likely see some of those mount traits
I guess my problem was Ahsoka was kinda annoying and didn’t have much unique character to her. im not saying Rey is much better, but atleast she...
Dunno, I’m not a huge fan of Ahsoka
Speaking of artifacts, I wonder what we will be getting. It should be fun whatever it is as most of the current version nes are useless
So first off on stats: It’s pretty obvious that he did little research research on dinosaur intelligence. The herbivore behavior is ok, but not...
Expect it in a few hours, his paleo stuff is garbage
Hissss tierzoo! edit: I can go more into depth about the videos problems if you guys would be interested
What are the dimensions? I can’t see anything cause that purple tail is in the way
I can see it on this reptiles face, he’s plotting something [IMG]
Possible, he can also be pretty ferocious which might explain the ruthless tactics. The best way to confirm this is to see if @LizardWizard...
Yellow bellied? That’s what I call my oldest leopard gecko! Truly a title worthy of the greatest seraphon general wait a moment... or maybe...
Oh shit this is gonna be rad as hell
Carnosaurs: 6 attacks each, damage 3 or d3 :D with likely an increase in rend Dread Saurian: FOUR DAMAGE 6 ATTACKS! *mad scientist laughter*
All I need to do is fan girl about carnosaurs and the ridiculous stuff they can pull off :D
Here are my thoughts on saurus, particularly knights. they will get a 4+ save, and lose the shield effect. Honestly this is pretty useful. Also...
Can I join?