As if warriors weren’t terrible as they are... let’s hope that this trend doesn’t continue. but if worst comes to worst we can do fan errata
Oh shit, that actually makes sense. That would make the Oldblood a monster. Wouldn’t be surprised as ossiarch warscrolls didn’t seem outrageous...
My guess is the alliegence abilities will have a big impact. I’m guessing the coalesced will get better wound rolls and saves while daemons are...
Lets hope the alliegence abilities can buff him up, because if this is the rest of the army we’re fucked
It’s probably going to be decent, as with explosive 6s on say a maul could be decent. Also still buffable. However I’m not pleased about the loss...
Next week lads!
Brace yourselves for disappointment, try not to get your hopes up to high
If I’m up against orruks I’m in deep shit.
Alright guys, I will get a chance to test it today. This could go really well or really poorly
Saving to long, short on cash? did you know you only need a lung and a kidney to survive?
0*whatever factor is still zero. Checkmate
We did something similar to purple cow of death, but instead would be sucked into the aether and would be tortured by sweaty baboons. Most people...
Just go down to the army fluff page, that should keep anyone entertained for days :D as for the dread Saurian, it’s so big how about some ability...
Honestly the dread saurian is only a step above a zombie dragon, and much more impractical. It should go up to atleast 20 wounds in the new...
Now he is a slave to Nagash!
I’m not concerned about coronavirus, it’s pretty obvious the dipshit nurgle is trying to cause mass panic. Most of the effect will be economic as...