Though I studied physics for some semester I don't know if those leds work with the other stuff you have. But that's a huge block of batteries......
Did some calculation... When I follow my plans to have four colors of skinks and that for each kind of weapons with a unit size of 15... I'm going...
Nice one!
Could not sleep... So here the backside of the feather... Turned out quite well... I'm satisfied... [ATTACH] To compare the front again... This...
Nice one! Good thread! Good idea! Very interesting to see how other armies work... Good job!
Another feather... Will try to make the backside tomorrow. Hope it works, like I think it does. ;) [ATTACH] When it does, I'll add it to my...
Yeah! Indeed!
That one looks like a real head banger! ;) gonna make a skull crushing noise! ;) :D Ok... Enough stupid jokes! Really nice one! I would say of...
Thanks people! @Crowsfoot : Therefore your painting is so much another level compared to mine... ;) @little-myth : Hope that works. Otherwise I...
Some feathers... Quite difficult at such small scale... [ATTACH] Bigger is easier [ATTACH] Also the priest got some feathers. Still looking a...
Maybe you'd think about something like this: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just for the safety aspect! ;) Nice little stone by the way...
What about iron or bronze as metal and obsidian for the stone crafted things? The iron should not look to silver shining through.
Yeah! Looks like some an savage albino badass of a saurus warrior... Would not want to have beef with them... ;)
Instead of painting my skinks this evening as planned I tried to rank them up as units... As a result basing seems to become quite part of my army...
So that are how many necks for how many heads?! ;):P Looks good. The color reminds me of the salamander mummy I found in my parents garden... ;)
Oh! Forgot to ask how you like the weapon of my riders... Might be a little bit to long. What do you think? [ATTACH]
Got a problem... I want to paint my skink in four different types of color schemes but I can't decide what the fourth shall be like. I already...
So before the party starts I attached the rider to his mount and added a head dress for the dinosaur... And I made some square shields for my...
Delicious! ;)
Well... I don't think you will get them done by end of the year... ;)