That'd also be a reasonable improvement. Still stops conga-lining nonsense, but at least being bigger would no longer be a disadvantage.
well it's no fair if you start sending multiple responses to me before I reply :p
Minor details, point being you get killed in this comparison :p
Tell me, which of these two ends up actually killing the other? :p
[MEDIA] edit: Ha, I've finally figured out how to embed youtube video's on here, further accentuating my growth in power!
What? What does any of this have to do with what I just said? My points where the following: 1) The lumineth combine light-symbolism (fast,...
Soon I'l overtake you @NIGHTBRINGER :p
Sad as that is, not something that should influence the rules. Sportsmanship seems to be a lost virtue at times when you see the kind of nonsense...
Ah like that. That's somewhat different from the lumineth The issue with the lumineth is that their entire battleline has, by default, a rule...
Don't you just have it on hearthguard berserkers baseline? Not army wide (or at least not armywide permanently) And as an aside, even if it does...
The nearest point is the relevant bit as my whole point is that this makes a larger model needlessly unwielding due to it necesitating you stay...
The mechanics shown off fit very well with other existing factions & to an extend are contradictory (why are they combining light-symbolism with...
There seem to be more than I thought, but there's still a suspiciously lack of auras bigger than 18" though, would've expected the default to then...
Forgot about that one... still probably means shining company will only stick around on 1-2 units, one that hangs back on their own objective and...
Lumineth discussion It actually contains something interesting in the shining company, it might even be balanced. Though I fear it's probably...
Still seems like the vast majority hasn't changed, the only one in our tome that seems to have changed is the starpriest's venom and the majority...
nah clearly another follower of Nagash, it has a skull.
Isn't it more like 400 points based on that leaked white dwarf battle report we saw a while back? Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that...
This would've already been so much better, and is at least as easy and simple to implement. Plus it translates reasonably well to larger models as...
Also, as an obvious improvement to their simple blanket fix, they could've at least increased the range of buffs to help out edge cases instead of...