i found it to be pretty easy. it was my first of the newer plastic kits and it was a dream compared to the old ones I was used to. its nothing...
Exactly :depressed:
Agreed. Sos doesnt provide nearly the miscast protection you need for the amount of points it costs. I prefer to run my slanns cheap. Never...
Your slann looks too heavy. 4 disciplines and magic items and bsb Is too much imo
why do you think that is the case? my limited experience has been the opposite of that, and most experiences I've read on other forums seem to...
2400 points you can fit an oldblood on a cold one with a cheap slann and then have your scar vet on a carno. or you can just run the old blood...
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi i think, like a lot of things in the book, they are usable but not ideal. as...
the most popular way to build your core, at least in competitive tournament armies, seems to be one reasonable sized of saurus with full command,...
Re: How are everyone experiencing our "new"special character My mistake i must have thought terradons were monsters and not monstrous cav for...
Playing against tons of skinks isnt very fun for most people. Every "good" lizardmen army is built around skinks, but skink cloud armies have...
Considering I've literally never seen a non Slann list place top 3 at a tournament, I'm gonna say yes, they are required.
The net list is exactly the same as last book but with only one Slann instead of two. Slann Couple cowboys Scroll caddie Obligatory saurus...
And let tiktaqtoe join units....
Just gonna start this off by saying i think it's awesome you are doing this battle report thing. Very very cool. However, with that said i think...
I think gold tends to look a little tacky, especially in huge numbers. Just a personal preference, but I always try to paint my models to...
I'm a little confused where the musician comes in.
The old one was tiny. New one, even if it doesn't look super dinosaury, is huge and ferocious. Huge and ferocious is awesome.
You couldn't cast it twice from one Slann. You'd need to use the Slann and a priest on beasts to get it x2 off in one turn.
Re: How are everyone experiencing our "new"special character Characters on flying mounts can not join units.
What's your plan for armor? Seeing a lot of 1+ saves isn't out of the question with how popular woc is.