Fyreslayers would be duardin. Krox don't have heroes to begin with so I guess that makes sense in a twisted kind of way. FEC are covered with...
well they are providing a framework for pointvalues, and they are encouraging it's use by saying it's possible to use in matched play . Unlike...
I'd assume you'd get to pick those when building your hero. Idoneth and Lumineth share an ancestory which is all this list.
That's still only Slanns & Trogs, nothing else seems to be missing as far as I can tell.
.... sigh.... why... why does GW hate fun... Also, doesn't that make us literaly the only exception? That's just kinda weird. Maybe the...
Depending on how this works it could be utterly brilliant. It could be used to plug some glaring holes. Just imagine, a minor skink hero with...
Right well Arch revenant Branchwraith 2x 5 spite revenants 1x 10 Dryads and 9 Kurnoth adds up to exactly a 1000 points so that works :p Now thank...
Well this is novel. And could be fun even in matched play if they manage to even vaguely balance it, or at least keep it from being utterly broken.
Were the kurnoth hunters with bows or outfitted for melee? Cuz at only a 1000 points we have very little that can deal with the ranged onslaught,...
Ah, that makes more sense :p
What are you afraid they'l change that would've been a positive?
I'm also a bit confused by the ulgu spell. Like it's good and all, but why is it better against worse saves. Why are there so many specials that...
Bit more info about the new GHB. Nothing particularly exciting, but it does seem to confirm we're not getting any replacement artifacts for the...
Somehow that just seems wrong. Weird.
are those 1500 point games? Teclis + 4 units seems extremely little, even with their pointcosts.
It's of course fine to have stronger and weaker casters/fighters/shooters/whatever. But the outliers should still stay within reasonable bounds....
I don't like the way that drops matter much anyway, so if that's the main design reason honestly they imho should change that. Hell I'm not a...
Eventually they should manage, even if on accident :p Though for magic it shouldn't even be that hard. Start by bringing down the outliers and...
I really hope so. Otherwise this'd be the 2nd time that we get a cool new endless spell toy only to have it nerfed to irrelevance within weeks.......
To be honest battalions are weird in AoS, certain factions have increadibly flexible ones which allow a tailormade list, allowing mixing of unit...