Looking at that list: - wardens: mortal wound spam & increadibly good defensive unit. Stick on shining companies, have them stand on an...
What choice do I have as the ninth? :p
Demand a more beneficial deal, I'm sure there's some players willing to go for a 40/60 split, or even lower, as long as the space marines remain a...
Don't think you can target named heroes as they can't carry artifacts and artifacts in this context are purely a matter of gameplay to indicate if...
Well, that's kind of horrific to face when playing a wizard list yourself. And we haven't even looked at anything else he has yet... Meh, maybe...
Really all of em? And all their confidants? And every senator family or ruling family of a world, both active and those fallen down a peck or two,...
The guy who owned anakin who lived on Tatooine seemed to know enough about em to tell em to bugger off with their mind tricks. And he was just a...
Anyone know any alternatives for the technical paints like stirland mud that are cheaper than what GW sells? They're great for creating texture on...
what seriously? I've posted at least 20 posts today.
In my defense it was nighttime over here :p
What about the former senators who directly worked with jedi? What about criminals like Jabba who clearly had experience with them? What about...
I honestly don't understand why we don't have a subfaction like that. Half the reason people are interested in Seraphon is because you get...
Honestly the prequels had a lot of cool stuff, Qui-Gon, Maul & Dooku are all awesome. Obi-wan & Annakin are cool whenever they just get to jedi...
The grundstok gunhauler from the aetherwar's box is now done as well. Lifting up to follow its fellow dwarfs who're already in the clouds....
A knight based list is probably the easiest to use for a new player. Decently effective, nice synergies, a big dinosaur or two can easily fit in...
honestly, they're fine. A bit silly, but fine. Like most of the star wars movies really. In all honesty, the best star wars stuff tends to be...
Honestly, one of the command abilities or spells (or other abilities) we have should've been able to give them (and potentially others) rend. The...
I don't link a whole lot of movies, most of the stuff I post tends to just be text with the occasional picture of a model I painted. And when I...
Making aelves attuned to the earth is fine. Making aelves attuned to the light is fine. Making aelves attuned to both is thematicly weird &...