They benefit from those abilities yeah, but they're strictly worse than warriors or knights. Any of those abilities is simply better utilised...
those prefer daggers though, not swords this long (either that or this is a dagger with a weirdly large grip and guard :P)
Looks like too nice and elegant a weapon for the Idoneth, they prefer serrated stuff. Maybe a vampire? It looks like a fairly elegant so could...
o lol... that's going to screw with certain builds to an absurd degree...
What's eclipse?
O I know it's not the fairest and most realistic of comparisons, and if it weren't for the troggoth I wouldn't have said anything. But that one is...
Some silliness to illustrate how powerfull the light of eltharion is. He took down: - Oger Tyrant - Ogroid Myrmidon - Dankhold Troggboss -...
Technicaly yea, I think so. It's supposed to be the person who's turn it is, this is mainly to decide who goes first when both players trigger...
let's just agree they're quite far away from being good in multiple ways :P
You can still shoot over them, or charge through them with enough momentum. The idea behind this particular strategy was to literally make Kroak...
that wouldn't be connected to the moon though. Unless the 4th season is going to take place on the moon for some reason.
I think it's mostly just a bit of nonsense, fleshing out the universe and giving us something to look at while we're bored at home. It doesn't...
well how else do I get you to post? :p plus I don't really mind the SCE much. The only issue I had with them was when every other new release was...
It's making me miss the sigmarines, at least they were supposed to be the mascotte. Now they're just sorta gone for some reason.
A battalion and some explicit synergy beyond just guarding the slann. Imho a great "fix" would already be to let them guard any seraphon hero (on...
On the topic of GW's favoratism for elves; look the new elves have an entire black library book before they're even released...
If I'd have to make a guess that'd probably be hilariously broken against armies that don't have an unbind. You'd end up covering the entire...
nurgle daemons have 4 fingers, and nails, and boils/sores/etc. these arms are too clean for nurgle.
have there ever been seraphon with flutes though?
Meh, I dislike the once per phase abilities. It leads to ability stacking and thus to doomstars. Much prefer having 3-4 buffed units forming a...