It hasn't been washed and highlighted yet... Forgot to mention that..
Not the original colors ( I lack yellow as I had to notice and my self-made pink spread through a fine crack in the jar...) but I tried the black...
Cool stuff! Also the non star wars models... I like the guy in the grey robe! ;):P
I do it the same way! Sometimes I go into stores and search broken or damaged pieces and buy them for half price or even less...
Great idea... Let me start with one of my (stupid) questions... ;) Is there a size of game where you would not say one should concentrate on one...
Great scheme! Slann looks great!
Well, as usual... You're right...
Short question: How do you play him? With cloak and trappings or just the trappings? (except of the short description there is no hint that it's...
Actually I quite happy about it! I can only learn from that! ;)
What? The paint scheme?
Or a new phone... Looks much different on a PC ... Now I see yellow on the belly... Brown on the back and head (like washed)... Not considering...
Nice stuff! I like that old prophet of sotek... Should really paint mine...
The krox look really nice and the bases are cool, too.
Ok... But the male looks definitely more greyish ... At least on my dumb phone display... ;)[ATTACH] Here is a more simple grey one...
By the way those fish are from south America! Quite fitting, isn't it? Will start looking for more apistogramma species for some inspiration.
The more brown/ grey version (male) or the more yellow one (female) I would tend to try both... Maybe also a light green version... So now I have...
Hmmm... Good point... I really should try that!
Self-made! ;) takes a whole lot of time... There are about 30 feathers on the finished one...
I had a feeling that something was going wrong... ;)