He is a Jedi! He reads your mind even from a distance... Isn't it so, master @Crowsfoot ?
Thanks. Actually I had this guys in mind when painting it... [ATTACH] Once had two pairs of them in my aquarium...
I love your skink chief! Do you mind if I copy that one?
Here are my three paint schemes for my skinks. I really like the bright one... The brown one is also cool but the freehand work turned out a real...
Or just add some color...like charging the scales from unit to unit. Maybe very light red and blue... Or a kind of war paint... Really great...
Wow! Good job on the steg! I'm still just doing some small conversions... And am attempting to make some gnomes as scratch builds, but just the...
And if the opponent is a good monster hunter they loose by 800% : 95% casualties... ;) But @Otzi'mandias your right if you play with people you...
This one comes cool! His color reminds me of the sky on a perfect summer evening!
New ( third) paint scheme for my skinks... Skrag brown on the skin evil sunz red on the scales and zandri dust for the crest... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I guess I have to see it as something positive, that I have to pack my stuff after every painting or green stuff session... ;) Thanks to my wife...
Go ahead and try it!
It's the cloak... And maybe the staff in his hand... ;) Thanks!
Thanks! Finished the putty work on this one... And started the next... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And here both in one pic.. [ATTACH]...
And for converting! ;) Here my nearly finished cloak of feathers... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Needs some work on the shoulders and the staff (the skull...
Yes the skink priest can only choose from two but there are more.... And somehow I have to find a number of models to reach and say then it's...
Ok. So no matter what the natural casting roll is you have to at least roll the casting value to dispell... Dispel range is clear... Just keep...
Thats true if you get a high roll it's harder to dispell. I thought it was more a problem for spells that are cast by using bonuses to reach the...
Thanks! The lores are for design reasons... And for t9a some day... Maybe... If I find people to play with...;) Oh, and your primal temple guard...
Sorry... Double posted cause of bad mobile connection...
Well... Got a question... Could it be, that the low rolls for TZEENTCH armies and maybe for all armies that rely on magic might be a disadvantage?...