I also hate the pats! But back on topic... I can understand an army using a play style that doesn't seem very in tune with the aesthetic or...
What? This is clearly not true, so could you elaborate on what you meant? His tomb king lists are well documented and easily available online...
i see you guys like your special characters with a dash of filth ;)
i dont think the tomb kings are worse than wood elves or beastmen. tomb kings have on (very rare) occasion podium'd in a tiny handful of...
doug flutie... last good quarterback the bills had! also, f the pats. I hope manning crushes them this weekend. wait a second... this isn't a...
with being able to barely (and I mean barely) squeeze in an oldblood on cold one in a 2400/2500 list I love bringing my scar vet on a carno. the...
one unit of 6 and one unit of 7 or 8 IMO. but then again, I've been going light on them recently. solar beam cannon too much fun.
i'd suggest dropping one unit of 3 sallies for an ancient steg, and 1 unit of chameleon skinks for terradon riders. the steg adds a much needed...
I think a slann is some of the best points you can spend in the whole book. Leaves hero slot for cowboys. Youll be able to easily fit in 2...
The lists are closed. I dont know how that is gimmicky... its the standard way to play. You do understand these players got to the masters by...
the argument was not if wood elves tomb kings or beastmen are competitive. no comment was ever made about them, except for me explicitly...
if woc was unbeatable you'd see every single competitive player using them. the UK masters is taking place this weekend. the lists are readily...
with the newer largish models I've bought my frustration has been (from least to most frustrating) carno, steg, terradons. easily.
"impact hits are fun coming from a unit." as you said I don't think it would be the most effective build, merely a fun one.
as others have said, different strokes for different folks. rippers can be effective, I don't think anyone is arguing they can't be. some,...
fair enough. steg helm and great weapon would pack a pretty nasty punch, impact hits are fun coming from a unit.
ancient stegadon helm great weapon. maybe a ward save of some kind. truthfully, you're not being very helpful. theres a whole threads worth of...
3 units is more than a 300 point investment. that many points of terradons and chameleon skinks is still going to do a better job of war machine...
4 is thunderbolt, 5 is comet. the heavens deck in general is quite good. sig is amazing, as already mentioned. comet is great as well. comet...
the older metal models are better, but still not amazing. theres a cold one monster model in the storm of magic range that i'm sure you could...