fair enough.
because to get all those nice special rules the slann has to be in it. you want your slann to be casting, in an 18 unit of tg you risk losing 40%...
you can squeeze in an old blood on a cold one for around 200pts, but as you said you have to cut a bit. he'll be pretty bare bones, but its still...
that's a big basket!
low toughness, subpar strength and leadership means unless they are attacking the unit with the toad their combat effectiveness, at least in my...
dunno if its just me, but it would help if you split your posts into smaller paragraphs. its quite difficult to read large walls of texts with...
out of curiosity why would you ever want your bsb on a carno? limits your use of magical standard, and a carno is much easier to kill than on...
well, that's hard to judge really since the strength of a list depends a lot on the general behind it and the armies you will be playing....
just bought a box of ripper/terradons and... i went with terradons. rippers are cool looking, have some great fluff, but at the end of the day...
14 temple guard seems like a waste to me but /shrug maybe i'm wrong. just seems like a 200 point bunker, nothing more nothing less. you wont...
Re: 2500 pt Saurus Cavalry A.K.A. I think I've finally lost beasts is not a great lore for slann. if you want wildform grab the all sig...
I agree with sleboda. altho I love the fat frog, but to each their own! my lizardmen army purchases went something like this. 2 skink boxes 2...
great list. just the right amount of blocks + chaff. if you can use your skinks effectively and not totally fluff magic rolls you'll do well....
cross your fingers and pray. in all seriousness tho, if they get off an IF any of those you're screwed. especially if you're playing out of...
I see I see. well, as I said unless you can do some serious damage with magic, with your list you risk the enemy just slamming into your saurus...
appreciate the write up! haha my name is actually an old name I used for my world of Warcraft character. I asked my friend to give me a funny...
it's really discouraging to see you just write off some armies. I understand some armies are more powerful, especially when you intentionally...
at 1500 points you might be able to overwhelm people with 2 big saurus blocks, but most likely the list is just too slow. no units for...
Re: Looking for advice, 1500 point list for a local tourname any type of fighting unit WOC has will destroy saurus and temple guard. I...
scout is an awesome special rule.