Makes sense to me! Ive always played it as first rank anyways so /shrug. Ill be delighted when the faq it tho. Thanks for taking the time to...
I agree with you prett y much on all accounts, but I'm curious as to why this doesn't easily fall into "army book over bsb" argument. Is it...
Interesting wording. That wording seems to imply the supporting attacks (1 per model, all according to bsb so far) still get PF attacks. The...
Why the scarvet bsb? Why not just bsb the Slann and then you don't have to worry about tossing the vet into combat
Re: new title: what would you use in a tourney vs uknown arm It's also far less effective in 8th (but still very good). It was the name of the...
Is this true? I was under the impression the consensus was first rank gets it until an FAQ? I want to use pf in all ranks so badly.
I never thought of it with a cav/monster list I guess if anything this discussion proves the lizardmen core is a little more diverse than its...
I all you want your 480 point unit to do is hold up combat then i agree, cohorts seem to be superior. But how many times is that really the...
What? 340 points is 60 percent of a saurus block? I disagree a block of 30 saurus with full command is 360 points. And thats going to...
Sorry for double post. On the skink cloud point, almost no tournament lists run large blocks of skrox or skink cohorts simce the new book. 1 or...
I pretty specifically pointed out itll die in one turn OR itll cost so many points its no longer a tarpit. And if the argument is against ws 4...
I added in an edit about the krox. Its either going to die in one round (especially against ws 4 s 6 enemies) or make your unit so expensive it...
This is of course assuming your in bsb and general range. Testing on leadership 5, even with steadfast is a lot different then 8. And if you...
Characters on flying mounts can not join units.
Id run them solo.
Could put them into a second salamander.
I think there is a lot of truth to this. Skinks seem to be the solution to tons of a lizardmen players problems.
Very much agreed. I was hoping for a new core unit with the new book or a little more variety. One decent sized block of saurus and filling...
Low armor is the key i think.
I'd like to give them a try eventually i actually like the models quite a bit.