Given that the table of content was leaked I don't think we're going to see anything of interest bar maybe some changes in pointvalues. But with...
- prayers - Mount traits - Totems - Better command traits for saurus/an actual decent reason to make em the general. Even coalesced armies don't...
Warblade is the best by far. He's never going to be a particularly effective combat hero, but this one is the most reliable & benefits the most...
Why not just copy the quote everywhere to support whatever you want to claim? :p
Ah ok, that's considerably less. Though it says more about how ridiculously sturdy OBR are given how much quicker they dropped once the harvesters...
Well you did say 1 unit/turn, there's only 2 harvesters so what else did you kill? So the OBR just sat on his objectives and didn't do much...
Someone on FB pointed out the blade is more similar to the weapons wielded by the kairic acolytes. So that might be it too.
Killing an entire unit per turn, imho, sounds like quite the damage output. Assuming you're not just killing MSU of skinks of course. Killing 20...
This rather worries, you were able to to decimate one of the sturdiest armies in the game. That's not a good sign, even if you did struggle to...
Didn't we already get the full rules for sky battles in a bunch of white dwarfs? It honestly looks rather boring. With sky battles being the only...
What exactly is the filler he uses? It's always a pain to figure out how to translate the names for those things so I can actually find it locally.
I hope that they offset it by introducing decent artifacts/removing the dead weight in the current faction artifacts. Cuz a lot of those are just...
meh, as pointed out on reddit, at least it reigns in some of the more problematic artifacts that are just flat out better versions of faction...
I just hope they don't make em useless in coalesced. Without the teleport & 10 bravery they're completly fine.
New GHB incoming, anyone expecting something more exciting than some point changes? Now that everyone has their proper battletome I wouldn't...
It's not that bad, you should be fine in a normal enviroment, it's just not the most competitive ever :p
Essentially cuz starborne is better, and skinks benefit most from starborne. Plus there's inherent advantages to shooting, even without the...
Also a lot less effective, in TW it annihaltes entire units. In AoS it does a mere D3 mortal wounds.
o neat, we need more of that :p
True as that may be I do think they should be able to do a better job at it.GW is very consistently inconsistent with it's output. And after 30+...