Yeah you do have a good point there... Good news for me though is that my parents give me miniatures I haven’t even earned!
Sounds like you need this As for AoS hopefully big creatures won’t dominate, especially as...
[ATTACH] The opportunity was to good
My excitement cannot be recorded on this forum, as I may brake the caps lock in excitement :D
Archaon is very powerful, and especially resistant against spells and mortal wounds, so he is a pretty tough target to take down, and very capable...
Command traits would be cool, especially as we only have one viable command trait
It may be over used but dam it is a nice meme
Boy do I have a thread for you (it’s shameless self promotion)
Jokes on you, my crusty English teacher from last year used one of those abominations
EA is pretty up there
Here are the artifacts( most of them are revived lizardmen stuff) Blade of Realities: on a 5+ to hit the attack instead inflicts a number of...
I never thought it would be used that way but dam... that’s got potential :D Hopefully I can give them a try this weekend, it should be fun
Hopefully the new rules work well and make seraphon more lore accurate
I approve, carnosaurs are easily the best unit of all time! ok maybe not but dam they look awesome
Be careful with this list, it is somewhat fun to run in a friendly setting but it doesn’t fare well against alpha strike lists. It does however...
Here is a good one; when you’ve injured your ankle but you put the pain aside to work on your dread saurian
Here is the second version of it then, if @LizardWizard approves then I might go ahead with it Blessed Spawning of Dracothion: add 3” to run and...
How then? Honestly if it’s ridiculous why not remove it entirely?
Alright, makes sense I will delete the stuff
To point this out; the original version one of the fan made battletome had a significant amount of units having a 5+ or 6+ feel no pain, this...