Either case we probably will get the short end of the stick, box set or not
Seraphon vs nurgle! It’s a possibility but not super likely. We will probably get some lame sunrise battletome in February
Bring every carnosaur you can
While GW would be stupid not to integrate them into AoS, GW is not the primary manufacturer of Blood Bowl., so there is a real and dark...
Looking at the results from the chart, Seraphon are surprisingly doing decently. If we got a few reworks such asknights and warriors getting a 4+...
With some luck it could be, and February is not far off, which is the supposed release time of our new battletome. Let’s hope for something...
Sounds kinda edgy... like me.. shadow the hedgehog [ATTACH]
The thing to note with 10 knights is not their durability, but the stupid amount of attacks they can put out for a low price. Against a big unit...
Your plan has been revealed! now what do I do....
If only they had a 4+ they would be very useable, but unfortunately they were designed for a different era
Saurus knights might not be the best, but they aren’t the worst. You can march them for a solid 14” making them faster than skinks or gore...
Cat man is probably like this [ATTACH]
And I’m Batman!
That’s because it’s Augustus