Guys @NIGHTBRINGER has been gone for to long. His relationship to us is now similar to the old ones and the lizardmen. So likely to summon him...
Just looking at them makes me angry
Be warned! Kroxigors may look cool and on paper they are decent, but for the points they cost they really are not worth it for the performance...
I would say yes as dracothion’s tail is still viable and a SC box is what makes up its core functionality.
Here is something to point out, saurus warriors may look fine, but next to a simple bloodbowl conversion they look rather derpy and unimpressive....
Daemonettes are laughably pathetic. A buffed up unit of saurus warriors in a sunclaw can wipe the floor with them.
Dracothion’s tail is somewhat viable. It allows something similar to deep strike being used by space marines. You can contain up to 1000 points of...
Time to start [IMG]
If you run your ossiarchs as petrifex I will find you... Then make you fight my rail rifles!!!
I think the thing about us is we do have decent hammer opinions if buffed, but compared to other factions shock cavalry our stuff utterly falls...
Say that to the lizard on a triceratops [ATTACH]
Razordons, 12 of them refilling hits
I asked one game if I could put a bloat toad on my slann’s palanquin. They said no so they were subjected to 5 turns of shooting spam
There is dracothion’s tail and fangs of Sotek, so somewhere out there is a big snek eating chaos idiots
Without the meme god! :(:( @NIGHTBRINGER come back Well shit... now I’m even more paranoid
Seraphon and Lizardmen are the same thing, so if your opponents are giving you trouble tear their hearts out and offer them to Sotek
Cold blooded and predatory fighters would be nice to see again
Over watch and for the greater good.