if I remember correctly the game is free to play, but additional warbands costs money. It'd depend a lot on how aggresive those warbands will be...
Are there any limitations besides wounds for garisoning? Certain behemoths would be weird, and I'm not sure if there's anything that starts at 21+...
oktoberfest got canceled in germany Any and all events and festivals got cancelled till september at the very least in the netherlands. I...
I think that'l depend heavily on how good a player you are, and how able you are to let go of the RSE. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players...
There'l be a 40K risk game for this interested. Apparently with faction abilities to differentiate it from regular risk.
Meh, issue is mostly how common those armies are that will be able to use it to their advantage. Say a guaranteed loss for 2 slightly easier wins...
At least you can easily increase the difficulty, just double the enemies in each room. Or add in a boss. Shouldn't be too difficult to get...
Sure, but you're not the one deciding the rules :P And anyways, given the amount of crap my sister and girlfriend have to wear to not get...
That'd be quite awesome :P I do still hope we're going to see more neutral endless spells though. Stealing spells is underwhelming for most of...
meh, seems a bit difficult though, you need to get quite close to eachother & you're constantly touching the same mini's. Seems like the type of...
wouldn't they know to phrase it better then? :p
Or be nice, and both bring your own RE, finally have a match where you can actually use it (and then immeadiatly blow up his priest and vice versa :P)
In fairness, virtually everything that'l faill to kill your terradons is not worth the effort of dropping the bombs on.
why does all the fun stuff get F.A.Q.-ed out of existance...
I don't think it's really been an issue till now. Mirror match-ups are ultimatly relativly rare, and no-one loses control of their terrain as...
well yeah, the old lizardmen mostly got blown up with the world that was, but in they're still existing characters in the setting, just very dead...
It should actually be surprisingly common, a group of bodyguards near a support hero (or other big unit) shouldn't be too rare.
I say you call it Frank, noone will expect a lizard riding another giant lizard to be called Frank and they'l all fail to deploy properly thus...
ah damn, that's a shame of the ship parts, had hoped those would be part of somethign interesting.... but this is about the absolute least...
Competitive play is always a weird beast and nearly always requires a small specific subset of models. At least the beastclaw raiders form an...