What I'd especially like would be that it'd make buying that 1 set of Troggoth you do like worthwhile. Right now you occasionally see a cool unit...
ah, nevermind, thought you meant temple guard. In that case I said nothing.
sssh, don't jinx it, I have no models to paint and there's only so much we can discuss about the battletome with no-one really playing :p
no, guards specificly said in the movement & charge phase. Piling in was allowed. Anyway, that particular rule doesn't exist anymore so it...
The change to how ranged weapons work while in melee has made javalins pointless. Previously you could use it to threaten a backline unit. For...
meh, would be a bit odd if you'd need an entire unit to yell "look out" I guess :P
The command ability can be used multiple times though. Which does give multiple EoTG some potential. Plus, seeing as we're swimming in command...
I would assume it becomes x4 since there's no caveat. Though if it turns out to be an issue they'l probably release a F.A.Q. similar to what we...
Yeah, now that you mention it... though I'd say it goes a bit beyond "inspiration", I'm fairly certain the one sitting on the floor could almost...
I'm not saying faster pacing is necesarly better (or worse for that matter, there's a time and place for fast pacing as well). I mean that the...
Meh, the movie is great, but like nearly every movie (and tv show) from 10-20 (30? god I feel old) it's significantly slower paced than current...
Quick @Scalenex post something so we can like it!
Wasn't it defined somewhere that "end of phase" and "start of phase" abilities technically all happen simultaniously as the first/last thing in a...
I'd assume you get to make the choice between either the surplus models being slain or being ejected. As that seems the most fair & least...
Rippers could be interesting in a (fluffy) skink list. Something like this as a core of your strategy: Skink heroes for buffing: Skink priest...
it does raise the question though, was it intended that they lost those abilities? Cuz if they intended those realm abilities to still be there...
It's fine against specific armies I guess, especially when you already know your opponents list (or prefered units & playstyle) But in a...
I refuse to like this post so as to not give you a further lead :p
Slaanesh generates a metric ton of points, getting plenty of reinforcements. It's a little more than a bonus :p As for nurgle, yeah you're...
Which is great and all, but doesn't exactly make it a good, fleshed out mechanic. Summoning 1 or 2 msu of what might well be the worst battleline...