sigh.. and that distinction is arbitrary and quite confusing as it's GW redefining what an "attack" is for the sake of their game, as opposed to...
also flying hilarity :P
Are you seriously suggesting GW needs to introduce a seperate tab "weapon effects" or some such to convince you that an "ability" that is used to...
The stegadon with chief has a chief, who's wielding a warspear, so he'd benefit from the +1 damage. The EoTG has a priest, who's wielding nothing,...
It is not a byproduct, it is literally the attack itself. All that the "it burns" rule represent is just that your salamander got a critical hit...
Also, the distinction between "attacks" and everything else is arbitrary at best when it makes some kind of sense (e.g. spells v.s. attacks, or...
More specific rules on warscrolls and in battletomes do supersede the more general rules in the GHB and such. However, in this case it doesn't...
It honestly kinda surprises me we don't have a replacement for bretonnia yet. There's no proper knights in AoS. And even if it's a bit cliche, it...
Meh, I'd just stick them in a shadowstrike regardless, you're going to be bringing most of what's in it anyway if you have a skink-list. Might as...
looks better than the entire lumineth line, probably more balanced too.
Also, a weird lil video for the gargants The attempt at making them fairytale-like falls a bit flat due to their obviously not fairytale-like...
I really hope they do something though. Favorites are fine and all, but this seems excessive.
yeah just saw it. This seems even worse than just breaking the order. The only counter to this is to have your entire army go first or push the...
meh it makes more sense than trying to slam an opponent over the head with your blowpipe. Plus I guess it's just there to ensure the blowpipes &...
with jaws?
yeah, I don't get why they didn't take the oppertunity to introduce one or two named heroes, even if they don't get a new sculpt, we're massivly...
Nah, they're not bad, I just made em better ;) Anyways, it's too be expected, what if's will rarely be perfectly balanced in one try, keep going...
I hope they'l provide a link to whomever buys the rights so you can find them easily. Would be weird if they sell the templates and then don't...
As far as I understood it they'l sell the templates to someone who then has a license to print them and sell them commercially (and to a bunch of...
Would be a decent buff, but honestly not really needed. With the exception of the sunblood who lost -2 rend protection & gained nothing in return...